Tuesday, January 13, 2015

January 11, 2015

January 11, 2015 was a huge day for Josh and I. The day started off at church, Manor Church to be exact. Josh has been interning at this church since the end of last August and yesterday was his first time preaching in front of the congregation. He did a FABULOUS job, and I am not just saying that because I am bias, I am saying it because he really did do an amazing job. I am so proud of him! After his great sermon we went out to lunch with his family, then back to my house to get ready for my baptism. I chose to get baptized as I have not officially been baptized since making the decision to follow Christ. I was baptized as an infant as a promise that my parents would raise me to know God, but even since I have made the decision to follow christ myself at a young age, I still have not been baptized. I had a short ceremony at my home church of St. John's Center UCC with Pastor Brad. It was so great being surrounded by the family and friends I love as I made this next step in my faith. God really is incredible and does such amazing things in our lives!

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